PLEASE check your child’s backpack on a DAILY basis, so we can be assured that items being sent home are being addressed in a timely manner. In addition, we are requiring all students to bring a full-sized backpack everyday, so we can send items back and forth between school and home. We encourage the children to use paint shirts, but occasionally they do get dirty. Please We strongly encourage you to leave a pair of gym shoes at school, so they are always prepared. The students will be attending specials (Art, Music, Health, P.E. Also each child MUST bring a change of clothes, including socks, clearly labeled in a Ziploc bag in case of an accident. If your child wears a dress or skirt please put a pair of shorts underneath.

Please note that uniforms are optional for pre-k students. The school uniform is a green Kilmer polo shirt and khaki, black or blue pants, skirts or shorts. During virtual learning: Your child must wear appropriate clothing while on screen and e-learning.