There's a lot of cool stuff happening here - players can hop out of their Exos any time they like and even swap to others (neat for on-the-fly tweaks to team composition), the amount of dinosaurs on-screen at any given time is utterly ludicrous, and the scale of the carnage in general just looks amazing. Teams must push through even more dinos to get to the goal, where both teams will inevitably meet and engage in full-on PvP as they see who can get their cargo to the finish line first.

Around two-thirds of the way through (and after putting down thousands of raptors, a stampeding Triceratops, and a massive T-rex), it transitions into a more direct competition with each team escorting their payload Overwatch-style to a central goal area on the map. The first part of the match sees the two teams each doing their own thing, battling through the same string of objectives while hundreds of dinosaurs pour out of portals to interfere.